***** What is the Total Solar Eclipse & How its Happen
When the Moon Passes between the Earth and the Sun; Dark Shadow of the Moon to be fall-down on the Earth, in this Astronomically position Earth Sun and the Moon have take circular rounds on their own ORBIT in the Parallel-Path on the Space. The Solar Eclipse visits only in the part of the Earth’s region, which region has covered by the Moon’s shadow. Generally the Solar Eclipse is three types in Nature ........
(1). Total Solar Eclipse
(2). Partial Solar Eclipse
(3). Annular Solar Eclipse

At least Two and up to Five eclipses can occur each year on Earth, two of them being total eclipses. In the Astronomical position of Total Solar Eclipse when the Moon completely covered to the Sun, then the Unique Rays are scattered from Sun’s thin edge, it is called "Frownhoper Rays" and the beautiful Glance of the Sun’s surface is known as "Green Corona". When Solar Eclipse happened in Sky; huge Question Scretch everybody's MIND, that How the Moon completely covered the Sun; and How the Sun & the Moon looks in same size at the time of Solar Eclipse from the Earth. The Answer is that; although the Sun's Diameter is about 400 times larger than the Moon's Diameter but Sun is also about 400 times Farther away from our Planet, So the huge gaping distance has be recover, thus the Moon and the Sun appear exactly the same size from our perspective on Earth. At the time of Solar Eclipse the Moon's Disk fulfill the Sun's Disk and thus the Sun hide completely by the Moon.
***** Total Solar Eclipse 22nd July 2009 in One-Dynamic View
1. Main Countries: --- Asia Continental, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Burma, China, Pacific Ocean, and Japan.
2. Global Path of Solar Eclipse in India: --- Surat-Vadodara-Indore-Bhopal-Varanasi-Patna-Darjiling-Guvahati-Dibrugarh.
3. Most Period of Total Solar Eclipse View: --- 6 Minute & 39 Second in Asia Pacific Ocean (Prashant Mahasagar)
4. Starting Time of Solar Eclipse: --- 5.28 A. M.
5. Starting Place of Solar Eclipse: --- Surat (India)
6. Time of Total Solar Eclipse: --- 6.27 A. M. (Varanasi)
7. Total Duration of Solar Eclipse: --- 2 Hour & 03 Minute
8. End Time of Eclipse in India: --- 7.32 A. M.
Global Image by NASA Solar Eclipse: 22 July 2009

Last week on 22nd July 2009 Wednesday, everybody waited just for Sunrise with Impatience because all they were excited to see Solar Eclipse, which was Century’s longest, amazing, historical and astronomical event. In almost part of India, Total or Partial Solar Eclipse had been visited that day; after 5.28 A. M. in different places. The Total Solar Eclipse had seen in 13 Provinces (States) of India; while Partial Solar Eclipse was seen in other parts of our country. In many States of India like Gujarat, Bihar, Delhi, Madhaya Pradesh, Hariyana, Chhattisgarh, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh the Solar Eclipse was seen as Light-Sight due to the Monsoon Clouds Disturbance. The heavy rains and dark Monsoon Clouds broke expectation of Millions of People in India and they were be immersed into Deep-Dark Despair, because all those people could not visit Century’s longest and only single Solar Eclipse on that day.
Total Solar Eclipse Path-Way Towards India
In Varanasi (India) more clear and clean Total Solar Eclipse had visited for duration of 4 Minute & 52 Second. In the New-Delhi 81% Partial Solar Eclipse had seen with Clouds Disturbance; while in Dibrugarh (Assam) 92% Total Solar Eclipse had be found clearly in 6.33 A. M. The longest and only single Total Solar Eclipse of this Century’s Maximum period was 6 Minute & 39 Second; which had recorded at Asia Pacific Ocean (Prashant Mahasagar). In the China most Intelligible and clean Total Solar Eclipse had visited, Millions of people of China’s cities like Chengdu, Wuhan, Nanjing and Shanghai have got full Fun and Enjoy of this Solar Eclipse.
According to NASA Data the Moon’s UMBRAL SHADOW on Sun stars in India had crossed and created a Progressive Solar Path side to side in Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, China, Japan and ends in the Pacific Ocean. In India’s regions around Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh), Patna (Bihar), and North–Eastern States the Total Solar Eclipse was been Visited. As per NASA Data the Majority of areas were not having View of the Total Solar Eclipse in India; it was a Partial Solar Eclipse in Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Delhi, Kolkata, Chhattisgarh and Chennai. After leaved Asia Continental the Solar Eclipse path had been crossed Japan’s Ryukyu Islands and Curves South-East through the Pacific Ocean where the Maximum duration of Totality reaches 6 Minute & 39 Second. A Partial Solar Eclipse was being seen within much broader path of the Moon’s PENUMBRAL SHADOW, which includes most of Eastern Asia, Indonesia, and the Pacific Ocean.
Total Solar Eclipse Path-Way Towards China
***** What’s Special View in Total Solar Eclipse
When early morning on Wednesday 22nd July 2009, the huge dark to be overspread on Sky because the Sun covered by the Moon in progressive path-way and then dark night had be found in a Day-Time. In meanwhile the Moon completely covered to the Sun; the Stars came-out clearly in the Sky thus a beautiful, amazing and wonders Spectacle Look was able to watch out for everyone. Different Scientist and Astronomist had done several experiments with this Solar Eclipse. Two Aircraft of Indian Air-Wing; Miraz – 2000 (Fighter Aircraft) and AN – 32 (Transport Aircraft) followed the Solar Eclipse on that day and recorded this amazing Sight directly up-to 25000 Foot height from the Earth.
Partial Solar Eclipse (83%) Visited in New-Delhi

An popular Astronomist of Barahmihir Astronomy Institute Dr. Sunjay Kethwaas said that; temperature of Outer Shell of the Sun suddenly increased towards this Solar Eclipse and that time Ten Lakh Degree Centigrade Temperature (10, 00, 000 Centigrade) Recorded into the Sun’s Outer Shell Environment. In that period of Total Solar Eclipse all Animals and Birds came-out surprisingly as Inconstant Behavior. According to Dr. Sunjay Kethwaas swift growth of temperature in Sun’s Outer Shell in revolving of Solar Eclipse should be given huge effect directly on to the Earth’s Weather in forthcoming days.
Remember that; already we found many Solar Eclipses in a Decade (1999-2009). In the Year 1999 we watched Total Solar Eclipse in Europe. In the Year 2005 we got Annular Solar Eclipse and recently on 26th January 2009 we watched Annular Solar Eclipse, but this time the Total Solar Eclipse had found on 22nd July 2009, which was the longest and only single of 21st Century. The Total Solar Eclipse had been passes throughout 250 kilometer Long Corridor, which started from Western India and slowly its gone to Eastern Direction, then the Solar Eclipse entered in the China country and then the Eclipse completely captured on Asia Pacific Ocean (Prashant Mahasagar), finally the Eclipse had gone into the Japan. In our India the total duration of this Solar Eclipse recorded Approximately 2 Hour & 03 Minute. After 25 Years SIMILAR Total Solar Eclipse will be visit again in Year 2034; while LONGEST Total Solar Eclipse will visit again in Year 2132. Foreign Tourists gathered on Aaryabhatt’s Historical Land at the Taregana (Bihar) for visiting Century’s longest Solar Eclipse which was happened on 22 July 2009, in the New-Delhi several Foreign Astronomist also collected for scientific studies about Solar Eclipse Observation.
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