10 Days Carefully We Watching and Found that; How these 10 Days leaving Important Impression On our Planet The Earth and All Over the People of the World. We Just Talking about these 10 Days it means; Since 11th March 2011 To 19th March 2011. On the Last Friday, 11th March, 2011 was prove as Black Friday For The JAPAN and it is Very Dangerous Disaster and Matter of Sorrow For all over the World. On the Friday, 11th March, 2011 The JAPAN Faced Major Earthquake Amongwith Tsunami Triggers. The Northern Japan was Completely Damaged by the Tsunami Waves 78 Miles Offshore And 8.9 Magnitude Earthquake Shocks.
In the Latest Report 5,180 people are died & 8,610 people are Missing, all they are super-badly effected through the Natural Disaster. In the JAPAN One Side begotted by the Ocean Water (Tsunami) Damaging and Another Side Fire by Fire on Atomic Reactors. Overall, it is very dangerous scene and Brutal Dreams For all Japanese People. Thousands People of Northern Japan are Seriously Injured and Effected Badly through this Natural Disaster of Earthquake among Tsunami, But Atomic Radiation now Became More Dangerous Problem for the Japanese people among All Over the World. After 2 Days from Earthquake the Volcanic Eruptions were also A Dangerous Part of this Disasters in JAPAN.

Just After 9 Days From Earthquake Japan & Natural Disasters We are Ready for Watching and Become the Witnesses of the Space Adventure Today. It Means On the 19th March, 2011 All Over the World will Faces the Lunar Perigee The Super Natural Space - Adventure Phenomenon that Happens Tonight.
Super-Moon on Super Saturday.
What is the Supermoon & What is the Lunar Perigee ?
Generally, All We Know Our Natural Satellite The Moon (Also Called As Luna) is Rotated Normally Towards The Earth in Parabolic Pathway in Our Galaxy Or Space. Generally The Distance Between The Earth & The Moon are Approximately 3, 84, 403 Kilometer Or 2, 38, 855 Miles. It Means By Default; The Moon is well Set in the Space Away from our Planet The Earth and Generally it found 2, 38, 700 Miles Away from the Earth.
According to Concepts of Astronomical Theory; In Every 20 Years The Moon Makes its Closest Approach to the Earth's Center Point and in this Position The Moon Found Absolute Nearest Center Point to the Earth, So this Situation The Moon Looks as Bigger in Size & Brighter too. The Phenomenon is Called as Lunar Perigee Or Supermoon. There were Supermoons Or Lunar Perigee Happened Already in 1955, 1974, 1993 and Now than it will be Happens on the 19th March, 2011. Tonight At the 09 : 30 P. M. (According To Indian Time) the Natural Satellite will be only 2, 21, 567 Miles For Away from our Planet. The Supermoon could Appear up to 14% Bigger and 30% Brighter in the Sky, Specially when it rises on the Eastern - Horizon at Sunset or is provided with the Right Atmospheric Conditions.

Although there are Astronomical Scientific Laws that say the Moon affects the Earth, it's still Ambiguous whether the Lunar Perigee and Natural Disasters is Coincidence or Not. Two days after online warnings that the Supermoon might Trigger Disasters, the Devastating Japanese Tsunami forced everyone to think - could the movement of the Moon cause Natural Calamities?
According to Astrologer Richard Nolle's Expectation Triggering Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Extreme Tides, & Other Disasters May be Possibly Occuring. Astrologer Richard Nolle Quoted "Supermoons have a historical association with strong storms, very high tides, extreme tides and also earthquakes."

However, Astronomical Scientists Dismiss this as Utter Non-sense. According to the Astronomical and Geological Scientists No any Effect on Earth By the Phenomenon of Lunar Perigee, Because When the Moon Reaches Closest Center Point Towards The Earth, No More Gravitational Forced Affect by the Moon. So It has no significant effect on earthquake triggering. According to Dr. Roger Musson's Quotation of the British Geological Survey (BGS), the devastating earthquake occurred because the Pacific Plate is plunging underneath Japan.
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