Limited Animation involves the use of less detailed and/or more stylized drawings and methods of movement. Limited animation can be used as a method of stylized artistic expression.
Like Stop Motion, Computer Animation encompasses a variety of techniques, the unifying idea being that the animation is created digitally on a computer.
2-D & 3-D Computer Animation.
Figures are created and/or edited on the computer using 2 - D Bitmap Graphics or created and edited using 2-D Vector Graphics. This includes automated computerized versions of traditional animation techniques such as of tweening, morphing, onion skinning and interpolated rotoscoping.
Digital models manipulated by an animator. In order to manipulate a mesh, it is given a digital Armature (Sculpture). This process is called rigging. Various other techniques can be applied, such as mathematical functions (ex. gravity, particle simulations), simulated fur or hair, effects such as fire and water and the use of Motion Capture to name but a few. Many 3 - D animations are very believable and are commonly used as special effects for recent movies.
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