In the world wide standard Children Day was first time celebrated in October, 1953 into the Sponsorship of International Union for Child welfare, Geneva. In the year of 1954, 20th November declared as Universal Children Day by the United Nation Assembly, on same day, in the year of 1959, United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Basic Rights of the Children. In the year of 1989, 20th November, the 191 States of world sanctioned together for Children Basic Rights. It was established for Children’s benefit program and promotes them. Thus this day is completely and globally dedicated to provide Children Basic Rights, Bright Future, Protect unsheltered children Life, Better Education for poor children and providing them Better Living Conditions.

Childhood is the remarks of Playfulness, Innocence, Freedom, Fun Activities, and Joy ness of Children from any country. On this day you can take sponsorship of any child, for the education and better life of any unprivileged and unsheltered child. This day we can also adopt poor children and we can give better environment. It should be our committment on this day we stop the child Laborship from our country and our world as well.
Now in the modern life style, Children of our World are not safe, because all they are rapidly going into the path of Drugs, Violence, & Bad Customs. In this manner they can’t become a great youth in the forthcoming future. It is important view and considerable point that Children are Nation Builder and Rock Future for any Country. So, we must be help them, save the poor children, decline the child labor ship, provide them better Educational environment and awareness of their Basic Rights of their life.

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