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Fun With Tripple Nine ( 999 ) Magic

    The World has witness TODAY with an Glorious Historic Moment on Wednesday; when the Clock strikes Nine Second Nine Minute Past Nine O'clock as a Digital Clock have read 09: 09: 09 : : 09: 09: 09. A Unique Sequence of Six 09's Digit has been occur for the first time in 1000 Year's because today is the Ninth Day Month of September and the Year of 2009. It is neither Artificial nor it is Human being Originated; this Unique Magic Sequence of Numbers are creating in Nature by Amazing Combination of Digits.

    My Funny Digital Watch On Funny 999 Magic Day

    Similarly What Happend Previous Month.

    Ok; Remember Previous Month was August of the Year 2009. In the Date of 7th August 2009 Unique Magic Digital Sequence were created naturally on this Planet with Amazing Style. Do You Want to know what’s these Magic Numbered and How? We giving Funny PROOF for you Here Let's Scratch your Mind / Go into the Past for some while / Catch Your Annual Calendar for August Month / and Finally look your Left-Hand Watch. Ok; the excitement has clear now we want to Share the Real Fact and Tell to all of You about What’s Magic happened Previous Month with Digital Sequence.

    On the 7th August 2009 at the Special Time of Twelve O'clock Thirty Four Minute and Fifty Six Second, the Day of Friday, was been witnessed for the world with Funny Magic; that was all Numbers Since 1 to 9 Automatically arranged in One-Dynamic Row and Created Unique Digital Sequence at Critical Position. At the Global Time in Afternoon When the Clock-Pointer Touched 56 Second, then Digital Clock had read as 12: 34: 56 : : 07: 08: 09. Thus the most Critical and Unique Magic Digital Sequence were created only for one Second for the world and all numbers were arranged in 123456789.

    It is most funny but that type of events has generates in Amazing Styles for little time. Yes true Factor is that; the events have been occur for the first time in 1000 years and it creates automatically Unique combination features in the Nature.

    Tripple Nine ( 999 ) Today: The Magic Digital Combination.

    Today neither an Ordinary Day nor the Day that has discovered by the Human Being. This Most Special Day have been generating today; its arranged on critically form that has been creates with Unique Combination of Digital Sequence of Three 09's Digits which has been occur for the first time in 1000 Year's. The Magic Digital Combination with Triple Nine ( 999 ) creating by 9th September 2009 Wednesday; the Most Glorious Moment and it had witness for the Funny world. It’s not only Funny but also it is take very important part for the Astrologers, for the Businessmen, for all types of Buyers, for Job-Seekers, for Searching Life-Partner, for Family's Happiness, for New Friendships and For who wana be start some new today. Why Indian People given too important role to this types of Extra-Ordinary Events and Unique Amazing Style for the day? We have been live in daily routine life, We doing all works in a Normal Way / But when we watched this type of Special Events or Unique Magic Day; we excites with some Extra Juicy-Tonic and we just want to be share a Unique Momentum with all others. In another way we can say that; we wana be leave daily routine life for some while, we want to take some advantages, we jumps on funny moment for the day, we just changes our normal life into the memorable life for the day.

    The Hindu Astrology Calendar (PANCHANG)

    Indian People's Life Style Today:

    It’s not over yet; this types of Magic Day or Unique Special Day like Triple Nine Today ( 09 September 2009) has take very Amazing part for all our Indian People and our Social Life. Astrologers had take advantages in all Indian Festivals and Social Ceremonies on the Basis of Hindu calendar (PANCHANG). Indian Astrologers want to take Extra-Benefit by this types of Magic Events or Unique Day, they have declared that the Day has Lucky / Or Un-lucky for whom types of People in our Society; thus they expanded their business and get Free Benefit. The Psychology Factor has also work here in Indian People's Mind and have given the shock - effect to their Brain, For example; some people buy a New Home, some people buy a Jewellery Set, some people go at the temple and prayer from the GOD, some young boys and girls makes Friendship / Relationship, Businessmen Starts the New Business. Thus we can say that all types of people take advantages and wana be making Memorable Day on this type of Special Occasion or Unique Combinative Day.

    Source URL: http://jeffsurrinames.blogspot.com/2009/09/fun-with-tripple-nine-999-magic.html
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