All types of Religions are related with God. Many types’ religions in our world like Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jain, Buddhist, Sikh, Shinto, Wicca, Zoroastrianism and Jews. All people belong his religion and culture and they were worshipping our God, But God is not different for anyone. God is only one, he is Saved Lives, Protect People and given us power for facing problems. God is fighting for every one, every religion and he gives us Blessings & Power. Here we described in full details about Christianity and about Christmas Festival.

About God Jesus:
Jesus is also called as “Christ” which means King or Messiah. According to Catholic Mythology & Roman Calendar Jesus was born on 25th, month of December at Israel in the Province Bethlehem 2000 Years ago. Mother Mary was the mother of Great Jesus. For his first thirty Year’s Jesus lived a Traditional Jewish Life and he was working as a Carpenter with his father. He was raised at Nazareth. At the time period of Jesus all of Israel was under Caesar’s Roman Dictatorship. When Jesus Christ became adult then he began his public teaching and display of recorded miracles and after some year he reputation spread nation wide.
How Jesus Christ Claims to be God ?

Jesus most controversial act was that he repeatedly claimed to be God. The Romans and Jewish Leaders found that Jesus had not breaking any Roman Law and he had followed Jewish Law perfectly. Jesus Christ was brutally tortured and then hung by his hands, which were nailed to a horizontal wooden beam (Cross), and then Jesus was killed in three hours. But, Jesus returned from the dead after three days according to 580 witnesses, and he journeyed in all provinces of Israel for 40 days. This was conclusive proof that Jesus Christ claims to be God were real. Thus Jesus returned to Jerusalem, the city where he was recently executed and then he left the earth alive by rising up into the Sky. After these miraculous events, the number of his followers increased dramatically. Few months’ later 3500 new followers were added in a single day, it is a record states in city Jerusalem. Thus, many people beliefs that Jesus Christ was really a Truly God.

Jesus Christ’s Key Messages to the People .
In the adultness Jesus spread his knowledge and Given Messages of God to the all Roman People. He had given following public teaching and Messages:
1. Jesus states immense value of each person.
2. Jesus Christ says that God create this world in just 6 days.
3. Jesus gives good news that the Kingdom of God has come to the earth.
4. Jesus says God forgives you if you ask.
5. Jesus states reality of Judgment to heaven or hell.
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