After Jesus Christ’s spiritual events, people throughout the Roman Empire and became followers of Jesus in the 335 A. D. In this way, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Emperor Constantine. After 550 years Greece’s temples of Greek gods were transformed into churches. Jesus Christ’s messages and his teaching words were diluted & communicated in all over the world, new churches were formatted and expansion of religion institution for Christianity.
The Proofs of Jesus Christ & His Teaching To The People

Why we Celebrates Christmas ?
Christmas was not earliest festival of Church, at least 325 Years of church history it was neither celebrate nor observed. It means, we shouldn’t remember Jesus Christ’s birth & its significance, but for religious celebration, we must have Biblical command. The actual matter is that the early Church did not celebrate Jesus Christ’s birth as a Christmas, but such celebration only came into the church with the “Christianization” of Pagan rites as Catholicism. The Origin of Christmas celebration is associated with Pagan Customs, Symbols and Terminology. Celebrating Christmas violates spirit of every one of Ten Commandments and it is does not fall in the realm of Christian Liberty. In the Respect of Bible, Christian Mythology and Roman Catholicism Christmas Celebrated first time at Church of Jerusalem in 450 A. D. It was sufficient for the early Christians that Jesus Christ, their Lord and Savior, had been Born. Jesus Christ was no longer physically on earth, he had returned to heaven, but the exalted Lord for all People.

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