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dreamcatcher tattoos

    dreamcatcher tattoos. Or a dreamcatcher tattoo.
  • Or a dreamcatcher tattoo.

  • FSUSem1noles
    Oct 5, 10:23 PM
    I'm not sure about the geektool script, but I like the overall look so far.

    http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/1144/screenshot20101005at547.png (http://img843.imageshack.us/i/screenshot20101005at547.png/)

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

    do you have a link to the wallpaper by any chance? Thanks!!

    dreamcatcher tattoos. dreamcatcher tattoo
  • dreamcatcher tattoo

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 15, 08:02 PM
    Bisexuality was openly accepted. You do realize thatEurope's population is expected to fall catastrophically due to a low birth rate

    And that concerns you how??

    Have sex with someone of the opposite gender isn't exactly a homosexual thing, in-vitro fertilisation is immoral and the government can opt not to allow homosexuals adoption privilege.


    ACT UP made some people glad for AIDS, "God's curse on sodomites". Treating people like crap doesn't exactly improve relations

    Double wow, without a disclaimer from you.

    I do believe your time here would be better spent somewhere else.


    dreamcatcher tattoos. dream catcher tattoos. dream
  • dream catcher tattoos. dream

  • Lynxpro
    Jul 27, 06:26 PM
    Any 1080p television worth anything can easily deinterlace the 1080i signal from the Toshiba HD DVD player with zero image degradation. There simply is no difference. The 1080p vs. 1080i thing (for HD DVD and BD) is a myth.

    First, I mentioned that the outputting problem is common with both formats the existing HD-DVD AND Blu-Ray decks currently on the market because the decoder chip is just not that great. That is why people are making a big deal about the upcoming Sigma Designs decoder chip that will come standard in both formats' second generation machines. Look it up.

    And deinterlacing an input signal is not as good as the outputting device outputting in progressive scan in the first place. Do you want to argue that upscaling DVD players are just as good as the current HD formats while you are at it?

    Sony has not stated any plan to use H.264 encoding. No studio has stated any plans for H.264 encoding either. It's either MPEG-2 vs. VC-1, and if you've watched anything on HD DVD, you'd know it's capable of amazing results. Compared to all available Blu-Ray discs, VC-1 beats MPEG-2. A better Blu-ray deck will not make the crappy MPEG-2 discs look better, because the problem is with the disc, not the player. Even when BD50 discs are viable (some day!), they'll still use MPEG-2. Warner, who has already released VC-1 encoded HD DVDs, will be releasing the same titles on BD in... you guessed it... MPEG-2.

    Nobody is arguing that VC-1 does not outperform MPEG2. However, it is nowhere near as good as H.264 MPEG4. We know it, the SMPTE knows it, and of course in their dark hearts, Microsoft knows it too. The problem currently is that the machines on the market do not have good enough decoder chips - again, referencing the problems that will be solved with the Sigma chip hits the market - to decode the H.264 codec. But once the good chips hit the market, it is doubtful that the HD-DVD format will ever back H.264 because that would cheese off Microsoft. And the success of VC-1 and iHD is crucial to Microsoft's entertainment expansion plans. If HD-DVD dies, Microsoft loses out on both VC-1 royalities as well as iHD licensing and places the Xbox360 ultimately at a competitive disadvantage.

    Just because Sony hasn't announced H.264 support does not add up to much. They don't even have their own player on the market yet. And until then - as well as the PS3 launch - I doubt they will announce support. After all, currently, Sony is only interested in Blu-Ray being viable for upcoming consumers; they really do not want us buying the Samsung player currently. So no, I (also) highly doubt your assertion that Sony will still cling to MPEG2 when the higher capacity discs hit the market. Furthermore, Sony already uses H.264 on their PSP UMD titles. Obviously, the reason why they haven't done likewise on Blu-Ray discs has to do with the decoder chips, not due to any sort of conspiracy or incompetence factor that you seem to be asserting.


    Based upon the info on that link, it is apparent that Sony is no stranger to encoding using H.264 and thus there is no logical reason to conclude that Sony won't shift to using H.264 on all of their Blu-Ray titles once their own players and the PS3 ships.

    As for Warner Home Video, they have a vested interest in making sure Blu-Ray does not succeed. Warner and Toshiba both make quite a sizeable fortune off the royalties from the DVD standard. They both want HD-DVD to succeed so they can maintain those royalities. Had Sony and the rest of the Blu-Ray Disc Association agreed to preserving the Warner/Toshiba royalities, there would not be a format war currently, and Toshiba would not have prostituted itself to Microsoft over iHD and VC-1.

    Furthermore, iHD is apparently much easier to develop for than BD-J. That's one reason why there are already HD DVDs with interesting new features (like the "In Movie Experience" on Bourne Supremacy) vs. no new extra features for any BD discs, nor are there any discs announced with new (BD-J) features.

    Can any other posters shill the Microsoft party line more? "They" said the Sony Playstation2 was "too hard" to program for versus programming for the Microsoft Xbox. Which platform won again? Which platform had the most third-party support? That's right, the "too hard to program for" Playstation2. The reason why there are extra features on the current HD-DVD titles has to do with the fact that they are using VC-1 and the Blu-Ray titles are using the space-hungry MPEG2 codec currently. There's no room right now on Blu-Ray releases for the "extras" you are bringing up. It has nothing to do with "how hard" it is to program BD-J.

    Reminds me of how Warner Bros. people started the whole "Brandon Routh is so well endowed that special effects are having to be used to tone down his crotch for *Superman Returns*" rumor that was circulating in the trades and online months before the film debuted. It was a recycled rumor that Warners had used back before the release of the original *Superman* with Christopher Reeve to generate buzz for potential female viewers. Kinda like how you are recycling/repeating the "BD-J is too hard to program for" rumor.

    Let us also remember that Apple sits on the Blu-Ray Disc Association board. They could have supported either format, but they chose Blu-Ray for some reason...hmmm... Kinda like how they chose Dolby's AAC format as their "next generation" audio codec instead of Microsoft's (tin can sounding) WMA audio format. That speaks volumes.

    dreamcatcher tattoos. Tattoos
  • Tattoos

  • MacShadow
    Aug 5, 12:16 PM
    I shot a movie and used imovie to put it together. This is the preview of that movie.



    dreamcatcher tattoos. Dream Catcher Tattoos.
  • Dream Catcher Tattoos.

  • SeaFox
    Nov 30, 01:35 AM
    The studios want to avoid the experience of the music industry, which has yet to recover from years of illegal digital piracy. Apple must introduce a �new model� for feature film content delivery, said one studio executive involved in the talks. With the average cost of a blockbuster film approaching $100m, movie studios had more to lose than music companies, he added.

    Wow, pardon me for stating the obvious here. But you can't "buy" a good movie. So there's no requirement that a studio spend $100 mil per picture. You don't have to use expensive special effects to bring in audiences. There are these things called "good writing" "engaging plot" and "talented acting" that I hear also draw people to theaters as well.

    dreamcatcher tattoos. indian tattoo dreamcatcher
  • indian tattoo dreamcatcher

  • roadbloc
    Dec 17, 04:40 PM
    Eminem is ok. Got his greatest hits (curtain call). Wouldn't want any more.


    dreamcatcher tattoos. Dream Catcher Tattoos Design
  • Dream Catcher Tattoos Design

  • dominickator
    Apr 25, 10:47 AM
    Are you freaking kidding me!?!! I spend HUNDREDS of dollars to convert mine to white, and now its out?! AARRRGG

    dreamcatcher tattoos. dreamcatcher tattoo
  • dreamcatcher tattoo

  • Ish
    Nov 1, 03:12 AM
    Oh dear! I'm going to the London store on Friday. It'll be packed! :eek:


    dreamcatcher tattoos. Print Dream Catcher Tattoo
  • Print Dream Catcher Tattoo

  • elbirth
    Jan 9, 11:21 PM
    Is Macworld just a one day event??? or will they be showing more stuff? I was hoping to hear something about the 8 core mac pro.
    Macworld lasts just about all week with the expo. It's for 3rd party companies to show off their new products and deals and the like, but Apple won't be announcing anything new unless they decide to be different this year. I'm really disappointed about no 8core Mac Pro yet as well.

    I really hated this years keynote.

    Correct me if i'm wrong but Jobs said at the start of it that it was going to be all about the mac ? What happened.
    I thought the same thing until I watched the streaming keynote video. MacRumors really ruined my day by misquoting Steve. I was super hyped all morning about hearing a lot about the Mac, but Steve actually said (and I'm partially paraphrasing):

    "2007 is gonna be a great year for the mac, but that's all we're gonna say about it today. over the next several months we're gonna be rolling out some awesome new stuff for the mac... but for today we're gonna move on"

    Had MacRumors taken the time to get that one tiny bit of information right in their live text feed, I wouldn't have been nearly as upset about the whole thing as I was. They built my hopes up very high with that remark and it really ticked me off.

    dreamcatcher tattoos. Dream Catcher tattoo. by
  • Dream Catcher tattoo. by

  • samiwas
    Mar 3, 10:47 PM
    Also, while I agree that the deficit needs to be dealt with, I'm concerned that a breakneck reaction will cause more harm than it's worth. If your check oil light comes on, you don't immediately slam on the breaks and abandon the car in the weeds. Rather, you calmly slow down, pull over, access the fluids, and make new decisions.

    Yes, I wonder what will happen when SS and Medicare get slashed. What will all the retirees who live with these two programs do? I guess they will have to go back to work. Some 85-year-old frail granny out pushing a lawnmower or something. Truth is, she should have planned her life better.


    dreamcatcher tattoos. Nobody Important Tattoos
  • Nobody Important Tattoos

  • HyperZboy
    Apr 28, 02:58 PM
    There is only one 4G phone available (http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-03-4g-fastest-att-sprint-verizon.html), and it is a beast. You may as well carry a laptop as a Thunderbolt phone. (please don't say anything about Sprint :rolleyes:)

    I will say something about SPRINT. First off, that article is WRONG!

    Baltimore, Maryland is the 1st SPRINT test market for 4G, but it's not even mentioned in that article! I know so because SPRINT is actively advertising it and it's been in other press reports. So how many other test markets did they miss in their alleged comparison of 4G vs. 3G I wonder?

    dreamcatcher tattoos. Dream catcher face amp; Money
  • Dream catcher face amp; Money

  • neut
    Feb 14, 02:01 PM
    Why? Do you disagree?

    No, of course not. I was just shooting bousozoku. :p



    dreamcatcher tattoos. Dream Catcher
  • Dream Catcher

  • mbl42
    Dec 9, 07:41 PM
    My Seagate drive is now on eBay with a very low reserve. Bid away!


    dreamcatcher tattoos. Shakira: dream catcher tattoos
  • Shakira: dream catcher tattoos

  • kps
    Apr 7, 12:55 PM
    If I buy the game pack, can I legally burn ROMs for my 2600?


    dreamcatcher tattoos. Dreamcatcher Tattoos Design.
  • Dreamcatcher Tattoos Design.

  • lewis82
    Dec 1, 06:10 PM

    As always, courtesy of interfacelift.com :)

    dreamcatcher tattoos. Dream Catcher Tattoo by
  • Dream Catcher Tattoo by

  • Lord Blackadder
    Jan 18, 12:41 PM
    I have owned three "small" cars. A 1988 Ford Tempo, a 1990 Geo Storm, and a 1995 Ford Probe. All three were solid cars. However I have not bought a small car in many years for one reason. It's not that "big" cars are better because they're big. It's because generally speaking, the gas mileage on most smaller cars isn't better than those of standard sedans. In some cases it's worse. Case in point: Nissan Versa vs. Nissan Altima 2.5SL. The Altima destroys the Versa in real world mileage. Plus you get the added room and comfort and features. The price is only slightly higher in terms of monthly payments.

    Part of that is due to engine choices in the US: because many of the engines used by foreign car companies are not federalized, and because US carmakers largley ignore the small car market, we don't get the most efficient engines for small cars.

    Case in point: look at small cars sold in both Europe and the US, like the Mini Cooper, Volkswagen Golf, Ford Focus (different version, but same-ish size) or event the Smart. All of these cars come with smaller, more efficient engines in Europe, either as the base engine or as options. The US versions, however, all use larger, less efficient engines and omit the diesel options entirely. Thus, much of potential efficiency of these cars is wasted.

    Therefore, it's not that the Altima is much more efficient than the Versa. Rather, the most efficient engine option in the Altima is as efficient as the rather inefficient engine that the Versa is saddled with here in the states. And it's our own fault, because Americans are stereotyped as demanding more powerful engines without regard to fuel economy.

    The new Jetta and Passat are no exceptions - they get more engine choices outside the US.


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  • Other dreamcatcher tattoos can

  • Schizoid
    Apr 7, 05:44 AM
    To get that much storage you would need 1,000,000,000,000 Mac Mini Servers which costed at full retail is 70x the US national debt.

    Apple's 500,000 sq ft data centre usuing Doctor Q's 10 fot of usuable vertical space could hold 104,088,861 not accounting for heat dissapation cabling storage racks etc. Therefore you would need 9,607 data centres of the size of apple's current (which was rumored to cost $1billion). However that is a storage facility literally filled with no walking space between the racks or anything like that so a sensible suggestion would be to double that.

    The total size of this project would be 9,607,000,000 sq ft or 344 sq miles. Turks and Caicos Islands (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turks_and_Caicos_Islands) happens to 366 sq miles, although to allow for expansion, shipping port/airport and power plants and other ancilallry buildings such as worker housing, supermarket and such I would suggest that Hong Kong with an area of 426 sq miles is a good place to start. Although given the high population of Hong Kong it isn't an ideal place to build such a facility, therefore the Faroe Islands with a size of 538 miles might be the first sensible place to wipe out. Alternatively you could just dump it in Texas/Alaska as they have plenty of land spare. Alaska would give you natural cooling which would be a bonus over Texas although can you image the series of Ice Road truckers, "In this haul is 100,000 Mac Minis."

    All in all to go for something like large with some as inappropriate as a Mac Mini is a costly and ultimately bonkers idea.

    Fingers crossed that the sums are correct.

    Good work! I've just double checked your figures and they are accurate (ahem)

    I suppose the original question should have been, "What have Apple got in there?"

    Maybe Steve Jobs has another hobby going, a new Xserve!

    dreamcatcher tattoos. Dreamcatcher Tattoo - While
  • Dreamcatcher Tattoo - While

  • acearchie
    Mar 19, 11:17 AM
    Is there any way I can use my Powerbook as a monitor for my PS2?

    I am looking for the cheapest option and already know about elgatos diversity or hybrid usb stick that does it! But that is almost �100! but if there is nothing else I will have to go with it!!!!!!


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  • liketom
    Dec 19, 07:14 AM
    :D nothing apart from the picture was taken from Apple.com and my name :)

    i like it

    Apr 30, 08:41 PM




    coming with mac os x Sabertooth tiger

    Oct 31, 01:46 PM
    For hiking, I agree.
    As for running, I gotta have my tunes...

    i agree %100

    Apr 30, 07:22 PM
    starts getting fun now...

    Yeah right, get out your wallet.

    Dec 27, 10:10 AM
    Had an amazing Christmas:

    Samsung - 46" Class / 1080p / 120Hz / LCD HDTV

    Init� - TV Stand

    13" MacBook Pro Unibody Early 2010 - From my girlfriend, originally got an 11" Air, but I wasnt a huge fan of it based on price and capabilities. She gave this to me a couple of weeks early.

    Also got some Arkansas Razorback hoodies/tshirts, Best Buy giftcards, Cash, and various other clothes/video games.

    Apr 26, 10:11 AM
    Hmm, that would be interesting. Let's see what iFixit will say about that.

    Agreed. All I can say is it looked like the one pictured on the front page here - no grid.

    Source URL: https://jeffsurrinames.blogspot.com/2011/06/dreamcatcher-tattoos.html
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