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  • arn
    Jan 5, 10:31 PM
    I am not sure whether or not this has been suggested, but is it not possible for someone in the audience (macrumors.com) to set up a video or audio feed?

    It's been discussed in this thread:


    It's best summed up here:

    It would be nice, but there are significant hurdles with streaming when you scale up to the volumes that a public keynote stream would attract. There are very few organisations with the infrastructure to serve large numbers of simultaneous streams, and even with donated bandwidth you then have the logistical problem of sending the feed from the source to multiple distribution points.
    Oh it's definitely possible, but really there's only one company that could realistically cope with the traffic - Akamai - and even they would likely have problems. 150,000 people streaming 300kbit video would be about 44 Gbit/sec, which would be about 10-15% of Akamai's entire global bandwidth usage and 50% of their streams. Even audio would be 10 Gbit/sec for a 64 kbit stream.

    Basically, serving up simultanous traffic for a live feed is very resource intensive. It's a very different thing to serve 100,000 people in a day vs 100,000 at the same time.

    We're incorporating near-real time photos in this year's MacRumors coverage... so it shuold be pretty enjoyable.... barring any unforseen circumstances. :)


    anime boy angel. DARK ANGEL.

  • cantthinkofone
    Mar 28, 01:38 PM
    Well, they did steal over $1000 worth of stuff. Thats a big deal in my book when I only make $10,000 a year and that I'm in college. I know what you are saying but its still crappy for someone to even steal $100 worth of stuff from you.

    Well $1000 is grand larceny. Thats not to be taken lightly. Do you know anybody in law enforcement where you live? I would take you're logs that you have made to the police. Ask to sit down with somebody and go over all the logs. Explain it to them like its 3rd grade math.

    Also check the local pawn stores, ask if they have any 360s. First place to look when you get something stolen.

    anime boy angel. anime boy angel. anime angel
  • anime boy angel. anime angel

  • Burger King
    Apr 15, 09:45 PM
    The market doesn't need the PC to evolve anymore. From a hardware perspective, most people could use hardware made 5 years ago to do the simple applications they use.

    On the other hand, PC software has evolved where there has been a need and competition drives it.

    Building things cheaper at the sake of cutting costs and innovation doesn't work. The american automobile industry is a living proof of that.

    You are correct on the first part. Apple removed the need for most people to need a PC with the introduction of the Ipad.

    99% of the junk from China wouldn't exist if you were correct on the last part.

    anime boy angel. cute anime boy with brown hair
  • cute anime boy with brown hair

  • omyard
    Apr 8, 02:19 PM
    Well this sucks. I liked the original "Best Buy is evil" story. :mad:


    anime boy angel. anime boy angel. emo anime
  • anime boy angel. emo anime

  • Aeolius
    Oct 6, 06:46 PM
    As a fan of Japanese architecture and minimalism myself, this is a refreshing idea to read about. Nothing beats a mix of modern and Japanese architecture.

    To each their own, I suppose. Personally, I dislike modern-looking houses. When we built our house, I wanted it to look like it had been here half a century.

    I still don't consider my house a mansion, though. When I think of a mansion I think of fragile decor (not childproof), rooms decorated just for show (formal dining room, etc), immaculate landscaping, a garage without a drop of oil on the floor, a wet bar, and either a room devoted to the display of taxidermy or a room filled with musical instruments that no one plays.

    anime boy angel. Anime boy ( angel ).
  • Anime boy ( angel ).

  • bense27
    Aug 3, 06:40 PM
    just the fact that its name is the "Argo" tells you that its not posing a threat to iPods.


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  • Anime Boy Angel Wallpaper

  • Awakener
    Apr 17, 08:05 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Android is "closed"... an open system would be a Linux one where you can chop and change every part of the system right down to the kernel. Not gonna happen with mobile devices without hacking IMO.

    Plus Android devices seem loaded with uninstallable Google services.
    But I don't trust Google's motives. When Android stands on its own then it might be something great.

    anime boy angel. anime boy angel. Angel Diary and Moon Boy!
  • anime boy angel. Angel Diary and Moon Boy!

  • NathanMuir
    Apr 25, 07:19 PM
    my question is what would you have McDonalds employees do.

    You are asking teenagers to get involved in a fight and try to break it up.
    Not really something you expect the average person of the street to do why should teenagers working and McDonalds be any different.
    Heck most of the time betting/ fights are over before the brain finishes processing "Is that really happening?" followed by "Should I do anything?" Most of the time they get stuck in an endless loop of not sure what to do and the fight or flight responses takes over.

    While the people doing the beating deserve to rot in jail at the same time I would not expect the employees to do anything other than really call the cops. This is one would you expect a person of the street to do something other than really call the cops and it is still over by the time the above loop is completed.

    oh and btw the link you provided is to your mail inbox. We can not read it.

    Exactly, I agree one hundred percent.

    The legal liability in letting or encouraging employees of any company to step in and break up a disturbance like the above would be incalculable.

    However, regardless of corporate policy, had/ if something like the above happened in my workplace, I would have stepped in regardless of policy.


    anime boy angel. Anime Boy
  • Anime Boy

  • copykris
    Apr 7, 04:57 AM
    Vintage poster - it will look great in my media room!

    love it

    anime boy angel. KAI.jpg Anime boy angel
  • KAI.jpg Anime boy angel

  • SMM
    Oct 2, 09:21 PM
    Well, he currently eyeing selling the tech to companies, presumably some of which are willing to spend big bucks to jam their way into the iPod + iTunes ecosphere. At least now, it's clear it's mostly about making moola.

    Yes, we all know the moral high-ground corporations take. Regardless of any moral principals involved, it is 'can we get away with it?', or even more disgusting, 'can we make enough profit to justify the legal settlement?'. It is truly a sorry state of affairs we find ourselves in; where the moral fiber of our country is solely based on the personal pursuit of wealth. Personally, I find this individual loathsome.


    anime boy angel. How to Draw an Anime Angel Boy
  • How to Draw an Anime Angel Boy

  • leekohler
    Mar 4, 12:44 PM

    Ohio lawmakers are making headlines with a much-discussed bill challenging labor unions, but Think Progress has uncovered an antigay section of the bill defining marriage as being between a man and a woman.

    From Sec. 3101.01 of the bill, via Towleroad.com: �A marriage may only be entered into by one man and one woman. Any marriage between persons of the same sex is against the strong public policy of this state. Any marriage between persons of the same sex shall have no legal force or effect in this state and, if attempted to be entered into in this state, is void ab initio and shall not be recognized by this state. The recognition or extension by the state of the specific statutory benefits of a legal marriage to non-marital relationships between persons of the same sex or different sexes is against the strong public policy of this state. Any public act, record or judicial proceeding of this state, as defined in section 9.82 of the Revised Code, that extends the specific statutory benefits of legal marriage to non-marital relationships between persons of the same sex or different sexes is void.�

    Ohio has already banned marriage equality, which Think Progress�s Zaid Jilani says makes this language �either redundant and spiteful or aimed at preventing the recognition of equal benefits to same-sex couples by means other than marriage.�

    This is the language tacked onto the anti-union bill.

    Fivepoint- I assume you're OK with this since you got yours.

    anime boy angel. Species- Fallen Angel. Other-
  • Species- Fallen Angel. Other-

  • SevenInchScrew
    Nov 28, 09:56 PM
    Hardline lets you get killstreaks a kill earlier. Hardline Pro lets you double tap X on a killstreak crate to switch out what's inside.

    So, with this setup you can enable: SAM Turret for 3 kills, Care Package for 4, and Sentry Gun for 5. You can then switch out every single one of those for something random, which is usually Napalm Strike, B-52, or Valkyrie Rockets.

    It's so overpowered.
    Not really. I've been using that setup for a couple weeks now (See post #39). Much more often than not, I get boring stuff. I've only had them swap for Chopper Gunner, Gunship, or Dogs on about 5 times, with the occasional SR71. This is out of probably 250 or so packages. But either way, Treyarch have said that this for sure will be patched in the next update. It will then only work on actual Care Packages, and not the SAM or Sentry drops.
    ... i have been trying to get ghost to pro for a while now and ironically i'm stuck on destroying an enemy turrent.
    Just set one of your killstreaks as Sentry, and then throw it in the middle of the map when you get it. Then just wait for the enemy to get it, and kill it once they've deployed it.


    anime boy angel. cool anime guys with swords
  • cool anime guys with swords

  • Mr. Chewbacca
    Mar 24, 03:10 PM
    Wish I had gotten a few shares of stock then!!

    anime boy angel. anime boy guardian angel
  • anime boy guardian angel

  • iOrlando
    Apr 25, 10:26 AM
    I think this is a great feature, and long overdue. It is very difficult to actually read through these comment threads once they hit 100 posts or so.

    Few things:

    1) I suggest have absolute tallies for the up and down votes. If one post got 300 votes on it, but the up votes offset the down votes, it would end up showing as 0 vs. a relatively obscure post that simply gets 4 up ratings would show up as 4. I want to see the comments that garnered a lot of attention/votes.

    2) I also suggest coloring up arrows as green and down arrows as red. Much easier on the eye.

    3) For those arguing about abuse with this feature, this site is geared for pro-Apple people, so any sense of impartiality or neutrality within the comments is non-existence. If people come to this site wanting pro-Apple stuff, they shouldn't be faced with trolls and other Apple haters.


    anime boy angel. anime wallpaper angel
  • anime wallpaper angel

  • ritmomundo
    Mar 18, 05:56 PM
    I'm not saying that all other smart phones owners are jealous of my iPhone, I think we can all agree thats nonsense.

    From your original post --> "It seems that most people feel some kind of envy to me because I own an iPhone 4."

    Just sayin...

    anime boy angel. anime boy jeans.
  • anime boy jeans.

  • Millah
    Mar 25, 12:02 AM
    Man, can't believe it's been ten years. As a longtime Mac user, since OS8, I've grown up on OSX. I still remember getting OSX the very first day it launched, and just being BLOWN AWAY with the user interface. It was like nothing I'd ever seen before, especially coming from the old platinum interface of OS9. Even comparing it to Windows 2000, it was just a giant leap. The Aqua bubbles, the high resolution icons, and the sophisticated animations really blew me away. I never went back to OS9, despite the occasional issues with cheetah.

    Using the iPhone for the first time is probably the only thing that has compared to seeing OSX for the first time. And I really don't think anything in the future will ever compare again. They were so influential. Especially the aqua bubble design, which has found it's way into just about every other tech companies designs. Almost everything has aqua bubbles now. Adobes logo, Aero in Windows, android, Blackberry, PS3 UI, etc...all these things have representations of aqua.


    anime boy angel. AnimeGuy.jpg angel boy
  • AnimeGuy.jpg angel boy

  • Music-Man
    Sep 12, 07:35 AM
    They annoyed me this time.. I had 8 songs in my basket and i'm unable to purchase them - I can understand with an online store that delays something for at least 24 hours... but for an instant content delivery system it's rather annoying as a customer.

    You won't be if Apple are increasing the bitrate of audio tracks as part of the update. It's about time they did.

    anime boy angel. anime boy angel.
  • anime boy angel.

  • rorschach
    Apr 15, 02:16 PM

    These seem like something that everyone here says can't be real, "no way Apple would design something like that," the "perspective is all off" ... and then end up being real after all.

    Remember the screenshots of the Fat Nano ad file in Photoshop?

    anime boy angel. anime-angel-oy-9.jpg
  • anime-angel-oy-9.jpg

  • tjb1
    Jan 3, 12:38 AM
    I love reading this, suddenly half of the forum is a network specialist and knows what Apple will and will not do. Of course you can't forget the Verizon's network will fail just because all you specialists say so. Oh and the LTE network is only available in limited areas...gotta start somewhere.

    Read somewhere about Verizon being up Samsung, HTC, Motorolas ass... What are they supposed to do, those are the suppliers of there phones? Oh and the androids releasing every month, of course because there is MORE THAN ONE COMPANY MAKING THE PHONES. Its not an exclusive operating system like iOS so more than one company can indeed make a phone that runs it.

    I currently have a Samsung Rogue(dumb phone) on Verizon. I have service nearly everywhere I have been. My phone drops calls in the wind(Samsungs fault) and has many problems(Also Samsung, NOT VERIZON), this is one thing I hate about the (dumb) phones. Samsung released this phone with problems but you know what, they dropped this phone 4-5 months later and replaced it with another similar phone...did they do any updates? Yes, 1 and it fixed absolutely no problems that are widespread like the email client makes noise even when the phone is set to Vibrate/Alarm/Silent.

    This is not the case for the smart phone side of things, yes the companies release them month after month but it being run on a common OS and open source these problems are not as prevalent.

    One thing that still blows my mind is the $30 a month data plan...doesn't include Mobile Hotspot either which is heavily advertised on the smart phones. Also capped at 5gb, im sure a smart phone can easily eat up 5gb in a month with apps like XM Radio and other streaming. I can get to 25mb in easily 2-3 days just using mobile internet. I was hoping with AT&Ts new $15 data plan that Verizon would follow, guess not.

    Mar 7, 11:11 AM
    I suggest you check our Symbain if you think Android had it beat for multitasking. As far as "true multi-tasking", look if you're unhappy with iOS mutli-tasking solution, then it might be time to leave the OS, because it works just fine.

    While Symbian might have been first, I was talking strictly about iOS vs Android as that was what the poster hinted at.

    Backgrounding certain tasks is fine, and yes it works well even though it's not a replacement for multi-tasking. What I hate is the task manager they came up with that is near useless since it doesn't actually give you a list of running tasks. It's a list of everything you've done with the phone, in like ever. You need to manually clean it up and even then, you don't know what is and isn't running.

    Are sorry are you upset that Apple doesn't redo their laptop each time? Yes, sometimes all we are going to get spec updates, not the end of the world, it just makes sense from a business model. "Basically forgetting about it" is just code for only spec updates right?

    I wasn't talking about design and updates. More like the marketing effort and the stagnation between said spec bumps. They marketed the crap out of the Rev A, then it just fell out of sight. Same for AppleTV 1st generation.

    But thanks for assuming and correcting me on something I didn't mention or hint at. Real classy.

    Rodimus Prime
    Mar 4, 02:11 PM
    Minimum wages = unemployment, lower growth
    child labor laws = limits free will and opportunities for youngsters
    max hours per week = limits free will, opportunity for higher personal revenue
    workplace safety = bureaucracy, red tape, lower growth

    Umm boy if you really believe that you are pretty out of it. Lets go look at China. They have had the lack of those laws in place and BOY it is has worked out well for its people

    Majority of Chiniese are nothing more than slaves. Paid very little and have no chances to better themselves. Their health suffers and they are treated like cattle.

    There is more to life than work. Safety is important and guess what OSHA safety oddly enough has made the work place more productive and made things safer. Used safety was the employees job to deal with. If they got hurt it was on them. If you were not willing to risk your safety guess what the company could and would go find someone who would. Now days if you get hurt on the job it is on the company and the company is at fault automatically. This pushes the company to increase safety. They do not want fines or higher insurance cost so they make the place safer for their workers and for the company.

    Hour limititation can point back to safety.
    Min wage at least gives a floor to the paid slave labor and min wage really should only be for high school kids any ways. After that it should go up.

    Oct 19, 10:04 AM
    This is great news, and that's a lot of macs! I can't help but think part of this is a big group of people waiting to buy a PC until it comes with Vista. Maybe I'm giving them too much credit, but if I could wait a couple months on the purchase to avoid an imminent ~$150+ O.S. upgrade I would. :cool:

    Mar 6, 07:02 PM
    The scary thing is is that you actually believe this nonsense.

    I think you're missing the forest for the trees. Offering near-identical features on cheap-quality devices has happened. LTD can be fanboyishly irritating (no offense) but the point stands - he didn't say there were no high-end handsets from the competition, he said companies flood the market with cheap electronics... which they do.

    Apr 1, 04:19 AM
    I think, there is a way to get this app in the MAS, too. Needs a bit of tweaking by the developers.

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